Saturday, April 11, 2009

It is better to start young

I derive great satisfaction teaching DDs to read Chinese. They learn pretty fast at a young age. Perhaps it's because there is no exam stress, I can go at their pace and watch them progress in a relaxed manner, as compared to teaching DS.

DD1 has already completed the first book of "基礎漢字 500 启蒙级 (Beginning Reader)" Readers Series. She's now progressing into book 2. DD2 is progressing well too. She's covered more than half of book 1 and is urging me to teach her more words. I often have to stop her. I'm introducing 2-3 new words to them each round. If they understand and remember, I'll go on to the next set. Otherwise I'll repeat the same set of words.

I wonder if they'll remember the words if they do not revise them often. The best way is to use them often. Sometimes the girls will point out the words they recognise (e.g. from signboard) when they're walking along the street.


  1. Hi KWF,
    It is the greatest effort to bring up children. I was struggling like you when my children were young then. And this, I say:- Mum is the greatest.

    Keep going, one will stumble, just get up and continue the journey.

  2. Thanks cindi for your encouragement! Need that to recharge and move on. :)
